Over $178,000,000 in client results.

"They said writing a book was going to make prospecting easier, but it's been the exact opposite!"

Learn why selling books usually isn't the best way to reach ideal clients, and discover the 3-part process that many of the most successful coaches, consultants, service providers, and speakers use to grow profitably, sustainably, and predictably.
Show me the process!

$1,000,000 in Year 1

It wasn't their nonfiction book that drove these results. It was a methodical, three-part process that ensured their offer and messaging resonated with their ideal clients.

Learn the 3-part process

Experienced marketer sees huge results immediately.

Even industry veterans benefit from a methodical, data-informed approach to finding market resonance for their businesses. Rishi saved $500,000 in his first month.

Learn how it works

$650,000 in first year

Valerie and JM used our proven testing process to discover what was really motivating their ideal clients.

See the 3-part process

$100,000 per WEEK after 6 months

Britt and Lorianne started at zero revenue in December. By June, their coaching business was generating $100,000 per week.

Discover how to ensure market fit

Take control of your business growth.

"It was much easier than I thought to learn exactly what my readers want."

Gordon Carroll, Mystery author

"Selling directly to readers was the best career decision I've ever made."

Naomi Rawlings, Historical fiction author

Test your assumptions, help more clients, earn more revenue.

"I LOVE selling directly to my readers! I turned a profit on my first full day of testing!"

Diana Orgain, Cozy mystery author

Use a proven testing methodology to achieve market fit.

14 Days to a system that sells your books directly to readers.


Steve Pieper



Hi, I'm Steve. I'm a marketing nerd. My clients have earned over $149,000,000 since 2013, and I'm also a USA Today bestselling novelist under the pen name Lars Emmerich

Amazon treated me badly one time, so I decided to sell directly to readers. 24 months later, I had reached $1,000,000 in sales.


I keep all of the sales revenue. I don't split my royalties with amazon or anyone else.


If you can learn how to let your readers guide you in your storytelling and in your marketing, you can achieve great results.


But here's the harsh truth about selling books:


Great books don't just "find their audience."


The world is saturated with books. 60,000,000 of them on Amazon, by my recent estimate.

Most authors don't want to hear this, but here it is:


Your stories and your marketing system make all the difference. 


You have to approach your marketing efforts with the same professionalism that you bring to your writing.


And you have to follow a proven, simple, data-informed process to discover what resonates. 


Otherwise, you're just throwing mud against the wall and hoping it sticks. That rarely works. :)

How does this work?


Selling books in the digital environment requires four critical assets.


These assets must be optimized in order to produce profitable results.


Fortunately, there is a straightforward process you can follow to take control of your sales process and your career.


Enter your email address to see the case studies and learn the system components we use to sell our books directly to our readers at a profit.

Ready to stop struggling to sell your book? Ready to grow your business instead?

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